Musgrave Park Swimming Pool is a typical Brisbane pubic pool, barring one difference: over winter when the pool was empty, Pool Manager, Alan Humphreys invited local Highgate Hill Artist, Adam Lester, to paint murals in the pool for swimmers to discover. There are divers, sharks, dugong and octopus – but you have to get into the…

Who cares about Helmet Hair? The case for mandatory helmet legislation
The internet abounds with blogs and sites advocating against mandatory helmet legislation (MHL): laws that only exist in Australia and New Zealand. But if you want to see the peer-reviewed medical science on the efficacy of helmet wearing, you need to go to PubMed, where a search will yield a range of epidemiological studies on…

Water Rats walk through West End History
On a wet Friday evening on 22 August West End locals packed into Avid Reader Bookshop for a charge of West End history: the launch of the West End Making History Group’s third and latest walking guide, Walking with Water Rats … Kurilpa Point to Davies Park and Beyond. They were joined by special guests,…