If you worked in a library and had to catalogue Bronwyn Gartside’s new book, you might wonder which section it belongs to. Is it a memoir? Is it a history book? Is it a recipe book? It’s a little bit of all three. This is how Bronwyn describes her book and her chosen title, “Lemon…
Category: Local History

To Preserve and Protect: Policing Colonial Brisbane
In her new book, police historian Dr Anastasia Dukova explores the development of Brisbane law enforcement. Dr Dukova’s doctoral thesis was a comparative study of the Dublin, London, and Brisbane police detailed in her book, A History of the Dublin Metropolitan Police and Its Colonial Legacy.[1] She found that early Australian policing had its roots…

Doing, not just talking: a celebration of People’s Park in Reconciliation Week
Last Thursday, 3 June, Reconciliation Week was the impetus for a community celebration at West End’s People’s Park. The theme for the week was More than a word. Reconciliation takes action, or as Kylie Deen put it, “doing, not just talking”. That was precisely the vibe at the park last week. Over the last year,…

Community notice board clean up reveals 30 years of community history
Before the advent of the smartphone and Facebook, we relied on community notice boards to get out our messages and place our ads. In West End noticeboards have remained an important communication tool. In 1992 as part of the Boundary Streetscape project, Landscape Architect John Mongard worked with local artists and residents to workshop and envisage…

Boundary Street history panels tell us the story of West End
This morning the first of the West End Making History Group‘s history panels was installed outside Terry White’s Chemist on Boundary Street while members of the group stood proudly by. Keep an eye out as more panels are installed over the next two days by local signwriter Shane Kunst and his team, ready for the…

Water Rats walk through West End History
On a wet Friday evening on 22 August West End locals packed into Avid Reader Bookshop for a charge of West End history: the launch of the West End Making History Group’s third and latest walking guide, Walking with Water Rats … Kurilpa Point to Davies Park and Beyond. They were joined by special guests,…