In October, the Queensland Government introduced new laws to improve the safety of e-scooter and other Personal Mobility Devices (PMD). The proposed laws will make it an offence for the rider of a PMD or bike to ride without due care and attention on a road-related area, such as a footpath, bike path or shared…
Tag: cycling

Car Free Me: Navigating Life Without Driving.
Researchers from The University of Queensland have developed an innovative program that prepares older Australians to navigate life without drivin

Embracing the freedom of a car-free lifestyle.
Have you ever contemplated bidding farewell to your trusty vehicle and going car-free?

Mixed response to Council’s Green Bridges decisions
In May, after receiving over 4000 submissions, Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner revealed the landing sites for the proposed two new green bridges to West End. Cr Schrinner said that the alignment options to be progressed by Council would be the proposed Option A for both bridges. Option A for the St Lucia bridge runs between…

Who cares about Helmet Hair? The case for mandatory helmet legislation
The internet abounds with blogs and sites advocating against mandatory helmet legislation (MHL): laws that only exist in Australia and New Zealand. But if you want to see the peer-reviewed medical science on the efficacy of helmet wearing, you need to go to PubMed, where a search will yield a range of epidemiological studies on…