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Tag: Highgate Hill

Dauphin Terrace Park – a 25 year labour of love
I felt a bit shame faced as I inched my way down the steep slope of the Dauphin Terrace Park to meet the busy greening group on the banks of the river – after all, they are all at least my age, some much older, and they have been doing this for 25 years. It…

Christine Schindler: making films from China to West End
West End filmmaker Christine Schindler honed her craft in China, and if it weren’t for COVID, that’s where she would be now. However, her return to West End has brought rewards for Christine and us, as she turns her lens on our community and its characters. During a recent conversation, we talked about how Christine…

The battle for Riviera: What is happening at 5 Dudley Street?
Free food gardening collective, Growing Forward is planning a rally in Bunyapa Park on Saturday 28 August at 2.30 pm against a development application that they say will result in loss of affordable housing and further gentrification of the suburb. The proposal (DA A005732911) is for a 5-storey block of eight apartments at 5 Dudley…

Highgate Hill Gully Restoration: Dr Manon Griffiths Parkland
When the news about the global climate emergency is bleak, there is no better antidote to despair than getting out into nature and taking some practical steps to preserve the areas we love. Large natural areas barely exist within the West End peninsula, but Rob Hughes, his neighbours, and friends are determined to change that….

The Artist and the Architect: Sam Cranstoun reveals Brisbane’s connection with C A Doxiadis
I was at a loose end a few months ago, and my partner suggested I get out of the house and visit an art gallery. I had never been to the UQ Art Museum so I decided to get a CityCat across the river to see what I could find. Both of the exhibitions I…

Churchill Fellowship supports Gavin Hardy to explore community food forests and orchards
At the end of 2020, local landscape architect, Gavin Hardy, was thrilled to learn that he is a recipient of a prestigious Churchill Fellowship. Many will know Gavin locally from his work on green space initiatives including the Kurilpa Green Space Strategy (a 2016 national landscape architecture award winner), Northey Street City Farm, and Main…