Crisis Support – Inner Brisbane Supports and Free Food Services. December 2023 Edition below. We are experiencing a housing and cost of living crisis nationally. The Queensland Council of Community Services says, “Families are losing more than $10,000 a year trying to maintain a basic standard of living in Queensland.” Fuel, grocery prices and rent…
Tag: West End Community House

Senior Constable Sandi: “we will miss you”.
After eight years in West End as part of her nineteen years with the QPS, Senior Constable Sandrene (Sandi) Trembath is leaving to start a new career. Her last day on the beat was Friday, 20 May, and I joined her as she said goodbye to some locals. The overwhelming sentiment from those Sandi…

As part of the Community Plus+ network, West End Community House supports the well-being of the most marginalised people in our community.

Doing, not just talking: a celebration of People’s Park in Reconciliation Week
Last Thursday, 3 June, Reconciliation Week was the impetus for a community celebration at West End’s People’s Park. The theme for the week was More than a word. Reconciliation takes action, or as Kylie Deen put it, “doing, not just talking”. That was precisely the vibe at the park last week. Over the last year,…

Community notice board clean up reveals 30 years of community history
Before the advent of the smartphone and Facebook, we relied on community notice boards to get out our messages and place our ads. In West End noticeboards have remained an important communication tool. In 1992 as part of the Boundary Streetscape project, Landscape Architect John Mongard worked with local artists and residents to workshop and envisage…

98.9FM and Community House tune in at West End’s People’s Park
West End Community House (WECH) and the Indigenous radio station 98.9 FM are collaborating to reenergize People’s Park. Dan Rennie, Manager at 98.9FM, said he approached Kylie Deen at WECH about the station using the kiosk. “Knowing the history of Boundary Street and this space, it felt like it was right for us to come…

Things are changing at People’s Park
Things are changing at People’s Park, have you noticed? After concerns were raised with Council by Pam Bourke of Kurilpa Futures, and referred by them to Gabba Ward Councillor, Jonathan Sri, a range of community groups and representatives, including Kurilpa Futures, West End Community House, Micah Projects, Traders, Police Liaison and Council representatives, have been…